VIP Days + why we live for breaking the rules

Let’s not forget that there are no rules anywhere on how you need to run YOUR business.

Everyone has their own set of rules to follow, and everyone has their own *special* way of doing things! and that’s cool, and many people have a lot of great advice to share; but sometimes you gotta do what feels good instead of doing what you *think* (or even better, what someone else thinks) you should be doing! it’s really that simple!

if you don’t want to post 5 days a week, then don’t — if you don’t want to create a freebie, or use everyone else’s “tried and true” methods, then literally, don’t.

And if you need help figuring out your *special* way of doing things, hit me up + let’s do a VIP day.


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Who needs our services? You, probably. And anyone who cares about having a professional online presence in our hyper-visual and ever-connected world.

step into your ceo shoes & ELEVATE YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE


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