The one question I always get asked

What’s the one thing literally every single person I work with asks me?

What software to use!

There are ENDLESS options though so it truly depends on what you need and what you like but you can start here.

Notion for everything.

Just kidding. Try @asana for mapping out literally everything, Slack for chatting with my team, @whatsapp for reliable international calls, @zoom for screen shares and video chats, and my ride or die @calendly for scheduling all client related things!

@pinterest for everything in life and business, truly a game changer is having your clients do a LIVE pinterest search session with you (try it) @planoly and @cloudcampaign for scheduling content on social, @flodesk for all things email marketing, and @dubsado for proposals + invoicing

@canva for LITERALLY anything and everything digital AND print — plz don’t be a hater 😋 and the OGs themselves, @google Drive, Gmail, Calendar, Docs + Sheets #wow

Need more software recs? Just because you don’t like ONE piece of software doesn’t mean there isn’t a better one out there for you. You need software people. It’s simply a necessary evil. Hit me up and I’ll help you find the right ones! 🥰

PS. use our code YOURFAVORITE on dubsado to save some $$$$$ 😉

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