Custom Instagram menus are here to stay

UNPOPULAR OPINION: I hate your linktree

It’s time to ditch milkshake and linktree and link in bio or whatever random tool you’ve been using 😜

It’s time for your own custom Instagram Menu ✨ — for obvious reasons, like better analytics + waaaaay better design. Take a peek at the link in my instagram bio if you’re curious to see an example.

As you know, I love helping my clients curate a fire online presence.
So starting today, my famous Download Dates are BACK.
Let’s revamp your online presence in just one quick (two hour) call.

Hit me up if you’ve got anyyyyy questions! x

PS. Download dates are not always available on our calendars, and we randomly open them up throughout the year.

(what’s a download date? it’s like getting your makeup done, but it’s your website and your brand, so you can look great both IRL + online)💄

tired of trying to plan your content?

let us help

Who needs our services? You, probably. And anyone who cares about having a professional online presence in our hyper-visual and ever-connected world.

step into your ceo shoes & ELEVATE YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE


there's a place for you on our calendaR